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Need help?

GIVIT helps thousands of Australians in need every year by providing items, services and vouchers. GIVIT helps people impacted by natural disasters, domestic and family violence or homelessness, First Nations Australians, people living with disability or mental ill-health, and much more.

How to get help through GIVIT

To access donated items or services through GIVIT, please connect with a support organisation registered with GIVIT that can assess your needs and provide assistance. This organisation can then place a request on GIVIT on your behalf. Click here for more information on how to get support through GIVIT.

To find relevant organisations in your area, simply use the search fields below. Support organisations working with GIVIT that require anonymity will not be listed below.

To complement the search function below, at the bottom of this page is a list of organisations and services that may be able to support you, depending on what you're experiencing. This includes disaster and emergency recovery support.

Organisations & charities

Are you an organisation in need of donations for people you support? GIVIT is simple to use, sustainable and safe.

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Winnam Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation

Community housing

Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health and Community Services

Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health and Community Services is an Aboriginal community controlled primary health care service operated by the Aboriginal community of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Winnunga has a Board of 6 Aboriginal people elected by the community. Winnunga sees around 3,000 clients per year, with a growth rate of about 80 new patients per month. Winnunga's primary purpose is to provide culturally safe and holistic health services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of the ACT and surrounding areas.

Narrabundah ACT 2604



WINS Community Centre

We provide a variety of services including: a Centrelink agency, free wifi and computer use, information and referral to the people of Wellington. We offer a variety of extra services including No Interest Loan applications, seniors IT, youth and family service, Elders meeting room and host a number of vital organisations in Wellington: Housing, Legal, Financial, NDIS, Job providers, Mental Health and more. We participate in the local Interagency, CDAT, DV Committee, Children's Committee and the Spirit of Xmas lunch as well as any other local activities like Youth Week, NAIDOC, Seniors Week and more.

Winton Neighbourhood Centre

Provide family support services to families in the area in financial need through the Winton Neighbourhood Centre

Winton State School

Is a State School supplying education from Prep to grade 12 students.


Wintringham was established in 1989 in response to the frustrations of watching elderly men and women die in homeless persons’ night shelters, unable to access mainstream aged care services.

In the years since, Wintringham has developed an ever expanding range of services which combine to provide a unique model of care. As well as providing the highest standard of residential aged care, we have also placed ourselves in the community, assisting people to maintain tenancies, managing care packages that optimise dignity and independence and providing outreach to elderly people who have lost everything.

We are a Victorian-based social justice welfare company working to ensure Rights, Dignity and Options for older Australians who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

WISE Employment

We offer a range of integrated programs and services, in support of and complementary to our free government-funded employment services. We help people who have disabilities help find stability and independence through employment.

WMQ - YHES House (Youth Health & Education Service)

YHES House is a safe, youth-friendly community hub that provides a non-judgemental space where young people are welcomed, listened to, and respected. Our services are available either through our centre or at outreach points - wherever you feel more comfortable.

Our staff and volunteers are here to help you get your life on track and work towards your goals.

WMQ - Youth Support Services - Northern Gold Coast

The Youth Support Service offers service information, advice and support to young people and their families in the Northern Gold Coast region. Young people aged 12-18 years who are experiencing issues with family and community connections, problems with school or getting involved in training or employment, or are at risk of harm or homelessness, are able to access the Youth Support Worker for practical and emotional support . The support worker will work alongside the young person to identify areas that they would like to improve, and work on a plan to improve their well-being, whilst developing skills the young person can use to better manage their life. This service is a voluntary and free service that respects the rights of young people, whilst acknowledging the importance of family.

Woden Community Service - Ability Services

We work with people with a disability by aiming to ensuring our participants lead a good quality, normal life. We provide Support Coordination and Direct Support for people with a disability.

Woden Community Service - Community Development and Engagement

Woden Community Service (WCS) has been true to its mission and purpose since it was established in 1969. Our values of hope, community, integrity and responsiveness continue to form the cornerstone of each and every service we provide - from child care to working with seniors. We have a strong, respectful service intention that offers flexibility and choice to people across the ACT and we work with stakeholders to build a vibrant and connected community.

Woden Community Service - CYFS Case Management

Our Family Case Management team provides support to families who are experiencing challenges and need some additional assistance. We aim to strengthen your skills and capacity so that you can continue to nurture and sustain your own wellbeing.

We can support your family in flexible ways, offering short- and medium-term family case management to families living within the Inner South Canberra, Woden, Weston and Molonglo regions.

Our family case managers can support you through activities such as:
- work with you and your family to identify your goals and support you to achieve them
- provide information and support around improving your family’s wellbeing
- build on your strengths and empower your family to reach their potential
- support you to make beneficial links and connections with your community
- connect you to a wide range of services that meet your family’s needs, and assist you to maintain this network of support independently

While every family has different needs, some examples of supports we might connect you to include: parenting programs; therapeutic services; mental health services; family violence support; alcohol & drug services; accommodation providers; provide advocacy support to you when you are communicating with government agencies such as Child and Youth Protection Services (CYPS), Housing ACT, Centrelink and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

The Child Youth and Family Services program – Family Case Management team is a partnership between Woden Community Service and Anglicare, and is funded by the ACT Government’s Community Services Directorate.

Alternatively, you can contact OneLink and an assessing officer will talk to you about your situation and the different services available in the Canberra community. Phone 1800176468 Monday to Friday (8 am to 6 pm) or weekends (12.30 pm to 5 pm).

Woden Community Service - Lollipop Early Learning Centre

Lollipop Early Learning Centre is situated in the heart of the Woden Valley, provides a high quality childcare service for babies to children up to 5 years of age.

We provide long day care and occasional care. Our centre is culturally diverse and we are actively involved in local community events.

Lollipop is registered with the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) and works within the National Quality Standard.

Woden Community Service - Mental Health & Wellbeing

Our Hoarding Advocacy Support Service (HASS) Project, supports to people living with a mental health issue with a background of hoarding. The focus of this program is to promote wellbeing, hope, strength and recovery.

Woden Community Service - Mental Health and Recovery NDIS

Our team will work with you one-on-one and in a group setting towards your NDIS goals. This may include working with you to increase your participation in the community, building your existing relationships, maintaining your health and wellbeing or engaging in paid employment or volunteer opportunities.

We support people of all ages and abilities. Our team comes from a multidisciplinary background, and together have an in-depth knowledge of the community sector in the ACT.

Phillip ACT 2606



Woden Community Service - Molonglo Valley

WCS is committed to building stronger communities and creating connections for people who may not be well connected and are seeking purposeful and valued roles in our community. We do this through our work with people, organisations and government for example our history in running community events in the Molonglo Valley.

Woden Community Service - New Path

New Path is a mental health recovery program supporting people whose ability to manage daily activities and to live independently in the community has been seriously affected by mental health issues.

We support people typically aged 18 to 35, and up to 64, towards greater self-reliance, independence and participation.

We are an early intervention service, which means that we work with people to tackle severe mental health challenges before they become a longer-term problem.

Woden Community Service - Partners in Recovery

The Partners in Recovery program (PIR) is led by Capital Health Network and partners: CatholicCare Canberra and Goulburn, Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria, Northside Community Service, Richmond Fellowship in partnership with Woden Community Service.

PIR engages people with a severe and persistent mental illness and complex needs, and their carers and families, to develop coordinated and integrated support plans across the ACT.

The program is for people over the age of 18 years experiencing a severe mental illness and complex needs.

Woden Community Service - Supportive Tenancy Service

The Supportive Tenancy Service (STS) works with people whose tenancy is at risk, and provides advice to people who do not have a tenancy but are looking to establish one. STS covers any type of tenancy, including public housing, private rental.

Woden Community Service - Youth Engagement

The youth engagement team (YET) provides assertive outreach services, general drop-in facilities, case work and supported referral services for young people aged 12-25 in the South Canberra, Woden and Weston Creek regions of the ACT. YET is funded under the Child, Youth and Family Support Program from the ACT Governments Community Services Directorate which is run partnership between Woden Community Service and Anglicare ACT. Case work- The Youth engagement Team has engaged in case work with 46 young people. Young people engaged were referred by government and non-government agencies for various supports such as education engagement, mentoring, housing social inclusion, behavior management, financial education, drug and alcohol support, community engagement and employment.
Open access drop in- Runs from Tuesday- Friday year round from 3pm each afternoon. We provide a dinner club every Friday for vulnerable young people.

Woden Valley RSL Sub Branch & Veterans Support Centre

Our Entitlement and Advocacy services are available through the ACT Veterans Support Centre . Our Sub-Branch is co-located with the VSC team of more than 20 highly trained advocates and entitlements/pension officers.
Community Support services are also now provided through the VSC and we can liaise with Federal and ACT agencies, organisations and other ex-service organisations to help provide welfare services.

Wollombi Valley Progress Association

The Wollombi Valley Progress Association is an association incorporated under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act. It has adopted the model rules as they existed under the Associations Incorporation Act, 1984.

To represent and progress the interests of the residents and ratepayers of the Wollombi Valley.

To provide a forum whereby such residents and ratepayers can involve themselves, and contribute to, matters pertaining to the Wollombi Valley and the villages situated therein.

To seek ways and means to bring about social, cultural and material benefits for the Wollombi Valley community.

Various locations around Australia



Wollondilly Anglican Church

Supporting families and individuals within the Wollondilly Community.

Wollondilly Shire Council

Local Government

Wombat Housing and Support Services

We are a community managed organisation based in North Melbourne. We have been providing free services to people who are homeless for over thirty years. Primary recipients: Youth.

North Melbourne VIC 3051



Frequently asked questions



Dedicated support services

In addition to the search function above that allows you to identify relevant organisations near you, listed below are a range of organisations, services and government resources that may be able to help you.

Some of these organisations may not be registered with GIVIT. We’ve compiled the list below to ensure you get relevant and tailored support for your situation, regardless of whether that includes donated items and services through GIVIT.

You can use the search function above to check if an organisation listed below is registered with GIVIT.

If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000 for emergency assistance.


Disaster and emergency recovery

If a natural disaster or emergency event has impacted you, lease visit your state or territory government’s disaster support page to see what assistance is available, including disaster payments, grants and financial aid.

Queensland Government

Victoria Government

New South Wales Government

Western Australia Government

South Australia Government

Northern Territory Government

Tasmania Government

Australian Capital Territory Government

You can also access information via national resources - National Emergency Management Authority and Services Australia.


Domestic and family violence

If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000 for emergency assistance.

If you have experienced or are at risk of family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault, contact the National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line on 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732). 1800 RESPECT is also contactable via text, online chat or video call and is available 24 hours.


Financial hardship

The National Debt Helpine provides free, independent and confidential financial counselling via phone or live chat, Monday to Friday. You can call them on 1800 007 007.

Mob Strong Debt Helpline is a free advice service about money matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They can be contacted on 1800 808 488, Monday to Friday.



If you’re experiencing or at risk of homelessness, you can find homeless shelters near you by searching on the Ask Izzy website.

Your state or territory government can also help. Listed below are the options by state or territory.


Mental health, depression or anxiety

If you or someone else’s life is in daanger, call Triple Zero 000.

You can access 24/7 crisis support by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14. You can also contact Lifeline via text or online chat.

You can talk to a counsellor 24/7 through Beyond Blue. You can also access brief counselling with Beyond Blue via online chat.

If you’re a young person aged 12-25, you can talk to a trained clinician, you can contact Headspace 7 days a week between 9am and 1pm by calling 1800 650 890 or via online chat.


For First Nations Australians

If you’re a First Nations Australian and you are going through a tough time, you can call 13YARN (13 92 76) to talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander crisis supporter.


Children or young people experiencing hardship

Children and young people aged 5 – 25 can access support through Kids Helpline by calling 1800 55 1800 or through online chat 24/7.


For people living with disability

The Disability Gateway is an Australian Government service to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers find the support they need. They can be contacted on 1800 643 787, Monday to Friday.


For refugees and asylum seekers

If you’re a refugee or asylum seeker and you need help, you can contact the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre on 03 9326 6066 Monday to Friday for support.


For people struggling with addiction

The National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline is a 24/7 service that provides free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drugs. You can call them on 1800 250 015.

Alternatively, Alcohol & Drug Counselling Online offers 24/7 online chat counselling.

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