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Empower First Nations Futures

So many Australians can't fulfill their education goals due to social and economic inequalities.

Children without access to digital devices fall behind at school. Families recovering after a natural disaster often have limited funds for uniforms and school books. Women starting a new life after escaping domestic violence are unable to enrol in further education without a laptop. Newly immigrated Australians often need assistance accessing learning tools.



GIVIT is committed to ensuring everyone has what they need to get the education they deserve, and you can help.

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Listed below is what is needed in Western Australia

This list shows exactly what's needed. It changes as new requests are identified by support organisations. 100% of publicly donated funds received for this appeal will be used to help vulnerable people get the education they deserve.

Listed below is what is needed across Australia

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Have something to give that's not requested above?

Listing your donation will make it visible and available to charities and support organisations working with vulnerable people who are trying to better themselves through study.

The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the economic and social inequalities faced by many Australians, and this extends to people trying to better themselves through education.

1 in 6 Australian young people regularly go without life's basics, and this often means they don't have what they need to learn. Poor educational outcomes can lead to reduced employment opportunities, lower income levels and eventually result in lesser opportunities for the next generation. This is the heartbreaking cycle of disadvantage. 

This is more than just a back to school appeal. Year-round, we need donations of items like school shoes, books, stationery, laptops, tablets and other digital devices, for people of all ages, to ensure they get the education they deserve.

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100% of publicly donated funds received for this appeal will be used to buy exactly what's needed by organisations to help vulnerable people get the education they deserve.

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Corporate donations

GIVIT is the smart way to ensure your company's donation goes towards supporting Australians who need a helping hand with their education.

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Listing your donation will make it visible and available to charities and support organisations working with disadvantaged children, teenagers and adults.

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